The Best Thing About Madwaleni?

We decided it might be fun to go around and ask the crew of 2016 two questions before peeps moved on;

  1. What’s their best thing about Madwaleni?
  2. What advice would they give to someone joining us here?

I added some music for a ‘vibe’, and hey presto – a little video! 🙂 (Click the link!)

It was awesome to hear how everyone shared the same love about life here, and in particular about being part of such an awesome family. It’s humbling to get to share our time here with such special people!

The disclaimer for any of you who might watch this and think about joining us (besides excusing all the ‘in-house’ jokes in the video!), is that we make no qualms about living real life with each other. And as a family, that often includes getting grumpy with each other, and of course going through lots of tough times together (and those times are quite frequent when we face the challenges that we do at a hospital like this!) But the really amazing thing about this family is that you’re surrounded by the most amazing support, no matter what you’re going through.

We also live far too closely to be able to hide our flaws (which is quite humbling!), but that’s fine because we also get to know each other’s strengths, and the hardships each might be going through – and that allows us to really be there for one another.

Living like this definitely teaches you to have lots of grace for each other! And every day, the challenge us is also about learning to honour each other more and more as we live and grow together (Stu also had an awesomely encouraging message about this that he shared just this past Thursday evening at our little (growing!) church!).

So with all that in mind, enjoy the video – hope it gives you a little more of a taste of what’s happening here and some of what went down in 2016!



One thought on “The Best Thing About Madwaleni?

  1. Dear Madwalenians.

    Ok, I should have written months ago, but here I am , Hey, You guys are building something really special there. I a so glad that I visited right at the beginning, because the development of your community is awesome. Remember when Zithulele seemed to be miles ahead… like Madwaleni was the runt of the litter. Well, not any more, not any more.

    You rock!!

    love Colleen Thomas

    *The Gentle Gym* Phone: 021 685 1051 Cell: 082 780 3793 Email:

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